Saint Michael and Raphael SCC

Saint Michael and Raphael Small Christian Community


Our Patron Saints

Saint Michael and Saint Raphael are two of the archangels recognized in Christian tradition, each with distinct roles and attributes. They are often invoked for their protective and healing powers, respectively.

Saint Michael


Saint Michael is one of the most prominent archangels in Christian theology and is often depicted as a warrior angel. His name means “Who is like God?” in Hebrew, and he is considered a protector of the faithful and a leader in the heavenly army against evil.

Biblical References

  • Book of Daniel: Michael is mentioned as a protector of Israel and a leader among the angels (Daniel 10:13, 21; 12:1).
  • Epistle of Jude: He is described as contending with the devil over the body of Moses (Jude 1:9).
  • Book of Revelation: Michael leads the heavenly army in the battle against the dragon (Satan) and his angels (Revelation 12:7-9).


Saint Michael is the patron saint of soldiers, police officers, and paramedics, symbolizing strength and protection. He is often invoked for defense against evil and temptation.

Feast Day

The feast day of Saint Michael is celebrated on September 29, along with Saints Gabriel and Raphael, in the Western Christian tradition. In the Eastern Orthodox Church, Michael’s feast is celebrated on November 8.

Saint Raphael


Saint Raphael is another archangel recognized in Christian tradition, known primarily as a healer and guide. His name means “God heals” in Hebrew, reflecting his role in providing healing and assistance to those in need.

Biblical References

  • Book of Tobit: Raphael plays a significant role in the Book of Tobit, where he is sent by God to heal Tobit’s blindness and to help his son Tobias on his journey. He guides Tobias, instructing him on how to deal with the demon Asmodeus and ultimately leading him to find a wife, Sarah (Tobit 3-12).


Saint Raphael is the patron saint of travelers, the blind, and those seeking healing. He is often invoked for guidance in journeys, both physical and spiritual, and for assistance in matters of health.

Feast Day

The feast day of Saint Raphael is also celebrated on September 29, alongside Saints Michael and Gabriel in the Western Christian tradition.